LCH Game Studio التطبيقات

Racing Multiplication 1.1.1
LCH Game Studio
Race across the world with this flash cardbased racing game! Excellent for students learning how to multiplynumbers up to twelve, kids will love being able to choose from carsof various colors and racing across deserts, mountains, forests andbeaches! See wildlife including cows, sheep, and seals!Features- 25 racing levels!- Achievements to keep track of progress and compare withfriends!- Includes racing game and regular flash cards for practicingmath!- Basic station wagons and compact cars included- Sporty hatchbacks and coupes included in the paid versionThe game includes two modes - the racing game and flashcards:Racing game: Answer multiplication flash cards correctly whileracing against another car. Each right answer moves your car closerto the finish line. As the races progress, the opponent's car movesfaster and faster, while the math problems get harder andharder.Flash cards: Flip through math flash cards at your own casualpace. Choose whether you want to only use numbers 0 to 5, 0 to 9,or 0 to 12. Simply tap the flash card to hide and show the correctanswer to the problem, and hit next to move on to the nextmultiplication flash card.If you loved Racing Addition or Math Flashcard Pack, you'llreally love Racing Multiplication! From the same creators of thosegames, Racing Multiplication has new, stream lined graphics and isgreat for use on Android tablets! In this math racing game sequel,the cars are even bigger and sweeter than before! What are youwaiting for? Let's race!
Racing Addition Kids Math Lite 1.0.8
LCH Game Studio
Race across the world while working on youraddition skills! Racing Addition Lite is a fun math game for kids.Choose one of two racing cars (more available in the full version)and then start the game! The object is to correctly answer additionproblems as fast as you can, and every correct answer moves yourcar one step closer to the finish line. Each level you will go headto head against one of the other vehicles. As the levels increase,so does the difficulty of the opponent and the problems.In addition to the racing game, there is also a flash card modeand a practice mode.Flash card mode is like having a deck of addition flash cards onyour phone or tablet. You can move through the deck by eitherhitting the next button or by flicking the flash card itself with afinger. To show the answer, just tap the flash card. The optionsallow you to choose between easy, medium, and hard problem levelsthat coincide with the progressive difficulty levels in the racinggame.Practice mode is the rated version of flashcard mode - you haveto enter the answer for each problem using the provided number pad.It also keeps track of how many math problems you've gotten rightand wrong.Upgrade to the full version of Racing Addition where you willget more options for cars, difficulty levels, and no ads!So what are you waiting for? This app is great for studentslearning elementary mathematics! Students can casually go throughflashcard and practice mode, or they can race through over 25levels of educational fun! Last but not least, this is the freeversion, so give it a try!
Racing Multiplication Deluxe 1.1.1
LCH Game Studio
Race across the world with this flash cardbased racing game! Excellent for students learning how to multiplynumbers up to twelve, kids will love being able to choose from carsof various colors and racing across deserts, mountains, forests andbeaches! See wildlife including cows, sheep, and seals!Features- 25 racing levels!- Pick up where you left off - start the race from any level youhave already beaten!- Achievements to keep track of progress and compare withfriends!- Includes racing game and regular flash cards for practicingmath!- All vehicles are included!- No ads!The game includes two modes - the racing game and flashcards:Racing game: Answer multiplication flash cards correctly whileracing against another car. Each right answer moves your car closerto the finish line. As the races progress, the opponent's car movesfaster and faster, while the math problems get harder andharder.Flash cards: Flip through math flash cards at your own casualpace. Choose whether you want to only use numbers 0 to 5, 0 to 9,or 0 to 12. Simply tap the flash card to hide and show the correctanswer to the problem, and hit next to move on to the nextmultiplication flash card.
Memory Cats 1.1.1
LCH Game Studio
Memory Cats is a casual game that exercises your brain's short termmemory with the help of musical neon cats! Just as the "copy cat"cliche goes, the goal of the game is to copy the sequences made bythe cats. For the first round, one cat will light up and meow.After it meows, repeat by tapping on that cat! For the next round,that same cat will light up and meow, and then another one willfollow. Your job is to repeat the sequence by tapping the first catand then the second cat! Every round, one cat is added to thesequence, making it longer and harder to remember. Keep onrepeating the cats as long as your memory can take it! Each timeyou successfully complete a sequence, your score goes up by one. Ifyou tap the wrong cat or you take too long, it's game over and timeto start again! Features: - This is the full, ad-free version! -Varying Difficulty: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Very Hard -Leaderboards and Achievements: Keep track of who is the best of thecopy cats! - Freestyle mode: Play your own song with musical catmeows, the piano, or other instrument sounds! - Freestyle includesthe musical notes do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, and do.
Math Flashcard Pack 1.0.5
LCH Game Studio
Math Flashcard Pack is an app for addition, subtraction,multiplication, and division flash cards right on your phone ortablet! Choose between standard Flash Card mode - where you flipthrough cards at your own pace, Practice mode - where you enter theanswer, or Time Trial mode - where you race against time to get asmany right answers as possible. Practice your math and compete withfamily and friends to see who will earn their spot on the highscore list! Features: - Three game-play modes to choose from -Choose between addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division- Adjustable difficulty levels - High score lists for eachdifficulty level and problem type - This is the full version - noads!
Lost In Maze Manor 1.0.2
LCH Game Studio
Lost In Maze Manor is a game of trying to escape from a hugemansion. Anyone who likes mazes will love the game - it has tons oflevels and varying degrees of difficulty. Mazes get more difficultas you progress to the higher floors of Maze Manor. In order tounlock the next floor of mazes, you must complete at least fivemazes in the floor below. You will find that some rooms have lockeddoors and require keys. The keys are hidden throughout Maze Manorin treasure chests. In addition to keys, chests can also containhelpful items such as bread crumbs. Crumbs can be left on theground to mark your path. In app purchases are also available forplayers who need a little more help. In app purchases includeunlimited bread crumbs and a teleportation device that is used toteleport between different parts of the maze. Features: - Over 35mazes! - Achievements! - More floors and more mazes coming soon!
Plane Flyer 1.1.3
LCH Game Studio
Plane flyer is a classic arcade style airplane flying game. Flythrough the clouds while collecting coins and dodging fallingobjects. Steer the plane by tilting the phone or tablet left andright. Each coin collected increases your score and lets youadvance through the game's stages. If your score is good enough,your name will make it to the high score list! In addition tofalling objects, friendly birds will occasionally drop extra lives,while enemy birds will throw junk in an attempt to make the planecrash. Who needs high tech 3D graphics? Getting tired of runningendlessly on the ground? Get a breath of fresh air with PlaneFlyer! Instead of being an endless run, this is an endless fly!Yep, it's just you, the sky, and a few pesky obstacles. Now withachievements and leaderboards! This is the ad free version! Gametips: - Steer via Joystick or Tilting the device! - Collect 25 starcoins to complete each stage - Some birds drop extra lives - Otherbirds drop obstacles to dodge
Plane Flyer Lite 1.1.3
LCH Game Studio
Plane flyer is a classic arcade styleairplaneflying game. Fly through the clouds while collecting coinsanddodging falling objects. Steer the plane by tilting the phoneortablet left and right. Each coin collected increases your scoreandlets you advance through the game's stages. If your score isgoodenough, your name will make it to the high score list! Inadditionto falling objects, friendly birds will occasionally dropextralives, while enemy birds will throw junk in an attempt to maketheplane crash.Who needs high tech 3D graphics? Getting tired ofrunningendlessly on the ground? Get a breath of fresh air withPlaneFlyer! Instead of being an endless run, this is an endlessfly!Yep, it's just you, the sky, and a few pesky obstacles.Now with achievements and leaderboards!This is the ad-supported version.Game tips:- Steer via Joystick or Tilting the device!- Collect 25 star coins to complete each stage- Some birds drop extra lives- Other birds drop obstacles to dodge
Elimination of Squares 1.0.3
LCH Game Studio
Elimination is an addictive puzzle game for the brain. Work throughthe process of elimination to solve each level. Each level presentsa different puzzle of squares with one starting square lit up. Theobject of the game on the easy levels is to get all of the lit upsquares to go out. Once you get all of the lights out on the easypuzzles, move on to the harder puzzles! On the harder levels, theobject is to only leave level specific patterns of squares lit up.These patterns are marked by stars. Sure this sounds easy, butevery time you tap a square, all of the surrounding squares switchto the opposite of what they previously were. The great thing isthat if you get stuck on a puzzle, you can just give up for thetime being and switch to another puzzle! There are hundreds ofpuzzles and different levels of difficulty to choose from! Somepuzzles can be done in under ten moves, while other real brainteasers could take thousands. If it takes you forever to completeone puzzle, you can always attempt it again and beat it with fewermoves! Features - Ad free! - Varying degrees of difficulty! -Hundreds of puzzles! - Hours worth of brain teasing entertainment!
Crazy Cupcakes 1.0.4
LCH Game Studio
The friendly cupcakes of Cupcake Land are in trouble and need yourhelp! Menacing vegetables have begun a full scale invasion ofCupcake Land with one mission - to wipe Cupcake Land and all itsinhabitants off the map! You may know that vegetables are safe forhuman consumption. However, because vegetables are not part oftypical cupcake habitat, the cupcakes are severely allergic tovegetables. If a cupcake has prolonged exposure to vegetables, theywill develop a very serious illness called "Crazy CupcakeSyndrome." Early warning signs include frantic facial expressionsand waving of the arms. How to save these cupcakes you ask? Well,it just so happens that one hero in cupcake land is immune to theeffects of vegetables and his name is Captain Cupcake. Receivinghis powers from a secret recipe green frosting, its ultra sugaryproperties negate the effects of Crazy Cupcake Syndrome.Unfortunately this recipe has been lost to time, so Captain Cupcakeis the only hero lucky enough to still have it. Now that you knowthe grave danger that the cupcakes of Cupcake Land are in, theirfate is in your hands! Make use of Captain Cupcake's secret recipefrosting and save the cupcakes from the marauding vegetables!Beware of their truly frightening arsenal of carrots, celery, andtomatoes! Use caution dodging their onslaught of lettuce, cabbage,and peas! Do not be fooled by blocks of gelatin garnished withdelectable delights, for they are actually the dreaded tofu indisguise! And last but not least of the horrors, keep an eye outfor the Broccoli Brigadier, Captain Cupcake's arch nemesis! Heflies using a rocket powered jet pack and drop terrifying radisheson unsuspecting cupcakes! Do not lose hope! You have one faithfulsidekick to help you on your mission! The Cupcake Cadet is equippedwith a reverse engineered version of the Broccoli Brigadier's jetpack, allowing him to drop medical supplies when you will need themmost! Now, all I can say is this - Good luck! Features - Play asCaptain Cupcake to save Cupcake Land! - Steer by tilting or byjoystick! - Achievements and Leaderboards! - Save fellow cupcakesto advance in levels! - Live wallpaper included!
Realm Defenders 0.0.1
LCH Game Studio
Realm Defenders - the new magic defense gameonthe market! Guard your wizard tower from hordes of enemieswieldingclubs, swords, axes, and magic! Fight off lizard men,rogue knights,and dark mages!Defend the tower by flinging rocks, fireballs, ice shards,andshock bolts! Summon rains of fire and acid to weaken yourenemies!Choose specializations for new spells and enhancements!Discoveryour enemies weaknesses and resistances!Features:- Sling shot / fling style attacking- New abilities and specializations as you level up- Improve tower defence with wooden spikes, magic shieldbarriers,and futuristic gunners- Three game save slots- Optimized for tablet game playNote - This is a demo release to get feedback from playersStory line:In a far off realm, the master wizards rule fairly andjustlyfrom their seat in Talizand. This is the capitol of the realmwherethe wizards train apprentice mages to become the nextgreatprotectors of the realm. As a part of their apprenticeship,themages are sent off to the many wizard tower outposts throughouttheland to manage and protect the local citizens. These days,thistask is pretty simple and straight forward. Long gone are thedaysof rampant rebellions of rogue knights, trolls, goblins,orcs,demons, and imps. Sure, every so often you get a cultofnecromancers who cause a little trouble, but not lately.Theclosest you have to go for real action is one of the towers onthefrontier at Techtron...Techtron is where the realm of the wizards ends and the realmofmachinery and technology rules. The citizens of Techtron once hadavast kingdom in their realm, but a robot rebellion broke outandput them on the defensive. A few years ago they sent outemissarieslooking for help - and only one came up successful. Amagestationed at the Tower in the North found the emissaryfromTechtron wandering lost in the northern wastes. This was thefirstcontact between the two realms. Since the realm of themasterwizards had been rather boring lately, they volunteered tosend allof the best high wizards off to Techtron to form a newtower anddefend against the rebellious robots. In exchange, thehighengineer of Techtron agreed to share one of their greatestfeats oftechnology with the realm of wizards - the microwave! Butnot untilthe robots have been beaten back.A few years after the wizards joined the war on robots andthebattle for Techtron, some rather unusual events occurred ontheoutskirts of Talizand in the Forest of Noob. The lizard folkwhoinhabit the forest, aptly known as "The Noobs," abruptlystoppedfarming their fields. Upon inquiry by the high wizard of thelocalwizard tower as to why they stopped farming, the elder Noobbecamequite irate and ordered an attack on the tower! And now, as amageapprentice, it is up to you to travel to the Forest of Noob andputdown the revolt!
Memory Cats Lite 1.1.1
LCH Game Studio
Memory Cats is a casual game that exercises your brain's short termmemory with the help of musical neon cats! Just as the "copy cat"cliche goes, the goal of the game is to copy the sequences made bythe cats. For the first round, one cat will light up and meow.After it meows, repeat by tapping on that cat! For the next round,that same cat will light up and meow, and then another one willfollow. Your job is to repeat the sequence by tapping the first catand then the second cat! Every round, one cat is added to thesequence, making it longer and harder to remember. Keep onrepeating the cats as long as your memory can take it! Each timeyou successfully complete a sequence, your score goes up by one. Ifyou tap the wrong cat or you take too long, it's game over and timeto start again! Features: - Varying Difficulty: Easy, Normal, Hard,and Very Hard - Leaderboards and Achievements: Keep track of who isthe best of the copy cats! - Freestyle mode: Play your own songwith musical cat meows, the piano, or other instrument sounds! -Freestyle includes the musical notes do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti,and do.
Night Sky Live Wallpaper 1.1.0
LCH Game Studio
Night Sky Live is a live wallpaper of the sky at night time. Thelive wallpaper settings allow the user to choose from four nighttime special effects: a meteor shower, shooting stars,pyrotechnics, and fireworks. The meteor shower option mimicsmeteors falling from the sky. The shooting stars option is actualstars falling from the sky. The pyrotechnics option shootsfirework-like displays across the landscape, while the fireworksoption produces the classic bursting fireworks in the sky. To setand change the settings of your live wallpaper: 1. Go into yourphone settings 2. Choose 'Display' 3. Select 'Live Wallpapers' 4.Choose 'Night Sky Live' out of the list of live wallpapers 5.Choose 'Settings...' to switch between the different effects orchoose 'Set wallpaper' to set it to your background.
Halloween Jack O Lanterns 1.0.0
LCH Game Studio
Halloween Jack O Lanterns is the perfectlivewallpaper to set the mood for Halloween. In addition to thecarvedpumpkins on your doorstep, you can have them on yourphone!Realistic lighting effects make your phone or tablet's jackolantern come alive as it flickers and glows in thedarkness.Various carved pumpkin designs include classic jack olanternfaces, cat, witch, and other spooky designs.Features:- Classic Halloween jack-o-lantern designs- Cat, witch, and other designs- Realistic lighting effects- Portrait and landscape views- No ads!
Ted's Great Dungeon Escape 1.0.0
LCH Game Studio
After getting lost in maze manor formanymonths, Ted finally found his way out. Unfortunately on hisjourneyhome, Ted was kidnapped by a pack of glow monsters, whoshoved himdown into their dungeons! Help Ted escape the undergroundworld ofthe glow monsters in this super fun adventure game.Starting in thedeepest part of the dungeon, Ted will make his waythroughprogressively difficult levels of the underground worlduntilfinally reaching daylight. As with other classic platformgames,Ted will need your help jumping over pits of lava, dodgingfallingspikes, and avoiding all of the evil glow monsters who areeager toput Ted back in his cell.Features:- Platformer Adventure Game!- Lava, Fireballs, and Spikes!- Flying and Jumping Glow Monsters!- Over 20 levels!Tips and How to play:Left and right arrows: Moves Ted left and rightRight red button: Makes Ted jumpLeft red button: Enter doors and interact with objectsFor each level, find the exit door and hit the left red buttontoenter.Avoid the glow monsters! If they touch you, they will send youbackto the beginning of the dungeon level!Don't fall into lava, spikes, or run into fireballs!Timing is key!